No Early Childhood School is exactly alike. Each school has certain attributes that encompass their vision, mission and philosophy. Not every school is the right fit for each child. Therefore, as a parent, you have to make an important and difficult decision on the placement of your child.
When you visit a Childcare/Learning Center, you must pay attention and look for these following important factors to help you make a better decision for you child’s childcare needs.
- Make sure the school believes that every child is unique and special.
- See if the school meets each child’s need in all areas of their growing development and that they offer meaningful learning choices throughout the day.
- Make sure the school develops strong character traits such as caring, respect, fairness, responsibility and honestly all while building equally strong academic skills.
- See if the school stresses the importance of development and self-image and confidence through academic skills.
- Pay attention to see that the school is a clean and safe environment managed by well qualified, certified staff.
- Last but not least, make sure the school of your choice provides health and nutritional needs.
The above factors are what we incorporate into our Childcare/Learning Center what we truly believe and what we call our BASIC TENETS.